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For Seekers of Free Psychic Readings:

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If you are looking for free psychic readings from authentic psychics that last more than 5 minutes -- face the facts: Professionally trained, authentic psychics and psychic mediums provide their services for a fee, just like doctors, lawyers, accountants, consultants, and other professional advisors. It is best to face this fact, or you will continue to be frustrated in your search for a meaningful free psychic reading.

A growing number of people interested in psychic readings are becoming frustrated in their search to find an authentic psychic medium. It is evident through emails, posts on message boards, and chat room inquiries that honest, hard working, people fall prey to psychic reading scams. Many of these seekers are looking for FREE PSYCHIC READINGS, and finding FREE GARBAGE. It is unlikely the Internet Community as a whole will change the marketing methods used to grab the attention of vunerable and unsuspecting participants. Therefore, it becomes important for those seeking FREE PSYCHIC READINGS to take control of their own dilemma. Following are guidelines to help you better understand how to avoid the search engine pitfalls and online marketing traps for FREE PSYCHIC READINGS.

1. For Seekers, the first thing to do is STOP. Stop entering the keywords "free psychic reading" or "free psychic readings" in the search engines. The first thing you want to find is an "authentic psychic" or "professional psychic" or "accurate psychic", so use those search terms instead of the free psychic reading search terms.

2. Once your search engine reference list is obtained using the keywords "authentic psychic " or "real psychics", scroll the top ten entries looking for the following words: 100 percent accurate, master psychic, spells, reunite lovers. Listings with these words should be ignored.. It will be a waste of your time to even look at these sites. Why, you ask? No psychic is 100 percent accurate; no psychic can reunite lovers.

3. After you throw out the sites identified in step 2, scan the remaining sites from the search and look for the following words: professional, authentic, accurate, certified, licensed. Review these sites. Read the indepth information on the site about the psychics. Are they trained, do they provide feedback from other customers just like you, do they provide samples of their work or testimonials from other psychics or clients. Do they convince you they are genuine?

4. Of the sites you visit, once you feel comfortable with the site content and the psychic medium associated with that site, it is time to see what their FREE OFFER is all about. Usually they will give you three options.

Option 1. A FREE PSYCHIC PHONE READING, which will consist of a credit in dollars toward a reading or free minutes to use toward a psychic phone reading. This option allows you the opportunity to speak personally with the psychic medium for a very BRIEF reading, but it will help you determine if the psychic "connects" with you. From there you have the option of paying for additional minutes and advice. Most psychic mediums using this method use a third party for their back-end phone technology and payment arrangements. You may be asked to join a secondary site and provide a valid credit card even though the reading is free. This is done in case you choose to continue the reading once you are connected via phone with the psychic. Because you are talking with an authentic psychic medium based on your search results and keywords, using this phone option will usually provide you with a valid, although brief, free psychic reading.

Option 2. A FREE ONLINE CHATROOM READING, which will consist of a reading in a public chatroom where others also observe the reading you receive. Usually these readings are sample mini readings to allow you the opportunity to see if the psychic medium connects with your energy and gives valid responses to your inquiry. If you are comfortable with the reading, then you have the option to purchase an indepth reading for a set fee in a private reading environment.

Option3. An offer for you to join a mail list of the psychic medium to receive updates about their free psychic readings, offers, and upcoming appearances and events. You have already determined that this psychic service is genuine based on your search and review of their website. Joining the mail list should provide you with the information you seek, but it should also allow you the option to OPT OUT of the list whenever you desire.

Simple Review Steps:

1. Use the following keywords in the search engines: authentic psychic medium, professional psychic medium, accurate psychic medium.

2. Throw out the sites that are returned in the search if they use the following words in their reference: tarot, true, real, expert, 100 percent accurate, master

3. Visually scan the sites that remain and look for the following words in the sites reference area: professional, authentic, accurate, certified, licensed, and/or FREE. Review these sites for content, confirmation about the psychic, and your own comfort level.

4. Review the FREE PSYCHIC READING offer provided by this psychic medium and decide which option you want to use for your FREE READING.

Using the above method should help you narrow down your search for authentic psychics and reduce your frustration level. It should also help you become a wiser consumer when it comes to seeking a FREE PSYCHIC READING because the method points you to authentic psychics FIRST, and their free reading offer second.

So, if you are looking for free psychic readings from authentic psychics that last more than 5 minutes.....GET REAL. Professionally trained, authentic psychic mediums provide their services for a fee, just like doctors, lawyers, accountants, consultants, and other professional advisors. It is best to wise up to this, or continue to be frustrated in your search for a meaningful free psychic reading.

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